The Italian CCA




is delighted to announce five International tournaments to celebrate its 55th Anniversary:

  • ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players rated 0 – 1899
  • ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players rated 1900 – 2299
  • ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players rated 2300 – 2399
  • ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players rated 2400 – 2499
  • ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players rated 2500+

Closing date for Direct Entry is: November 15th 2024

Closing date for NF entries is: November 15th 2024

Start tournament is: December 15th 2024 


ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players Elo 0 – 1899 is open to all players from the federations belonging to the ICCF and players from countries that do not have their own federation, whose rating on rating list 2024/4 is in the range from 0 to 1899.

ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players Elo 1900 – 2299 is open to all players from the federations belonging to the ICCF and players from countries that do not have their own federation, whose rating on rating list 2024/4 is in the range from 1900 to 2299.

ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players Elo 2300 – 2399 is open to all players from the federations belonging to the ICCF and players from countries that do not have their own federation, whose rating on rating list 2024/4 is in the range from 2300 to 2399.

ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players Elo 2400 – 2599 is open to all players from the federations belonging to the ICCF and players from countries that do not have their own federation, whose rating on rating list 2024/4 is in the range from 2400 to 2499.

ASIGC 55th Anniversary for players Elo 2500+ is open to all players from the federations belonging to the ICCF and players from countries that do not have their own federation, whose rating on rating list 2024/4 is 2500 or more.

Tournament rules valid for ALL tournaments:

  1. Depending on the number of registrations, the tournaments will be organized with the SILLI system (single round of 10, 12, or 14 games) or Round Robin.
  2. The tournaments will be played on ICCF server.
  3. Players may enter via the ICCF Direct Entry system or they can be entered on the server as NF Entries.
    1. Entries should be made via the server from the New events-Italy
    2. Only one (1) registration per player is allowed.
    3. Entries received via email will not be accepted!
  4. Entry fee is 8 Euro via Direct Entry; please contact your national federation delegates for the national fee.
  5. The event is rated and it will be possible to achieve ICCF title norms (if the criteria are met).
  6. ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 40 days with duplication after 20 days is used.
    1. 45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
    2. There is no special leave in this event.
    3. There is no end date.
  7. Linear conditionals can be entered.
  8. This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece table base.
  9. Tie-breaking will be managed according to ICCF rules; if a tie persists after the standard tie-breaking procedures: (f) If the tie (a-e) still remains, the order is determined by the lower rating (fixed or unfixed) in rating list at start date.
  10. If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
  11. Other participants can see the games after 10 games are finished in the event. and games are finished. The public can see the games after 10 games are finished in the event.


 Plaque for first place and medals will be awarded for the first 5 players who score more than 50% of the possible points.

  • Electronic certificates will be awarded for the first 15 places.


 TOs: Marco Caressa, Mauro Graziani